Erika Monroy
Erika Monroy has over 25 years of experience promoting and educating people on how to achieve a balanced and healthy mental health to increase their personal wellness and productivity through the development of their emotional intelligence.
In Mexico, she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in clinical psychology, and then went on to earn a master’s degree in Psycho-Educational Studies at Anahuac University. Likewise, she has a specialized diploma in Neurosciences validated by the Salk Institute for Biological Studies and the Mexican Institute of Neuroscience. She also received a certification in Mindfulness from Leiden University in Netherlands and is a professional Thai masseuse certified by The Watpo Thai Traditional Medical and Ayuravate Association in Bangkok, Thailand.
She has been a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) since 2017, licensed by the International Coach Federation (ICF). She then received a PDA (Personal Development Assessment) international Analyst certification. It is a behavioral assessment that allows professionals to discover and analyze peoples’ behavioral profiles, it helps organizations make smart hiring decisions and create a comprehensive talent management team. As well as creating a career orientation report.
She currently has written, designed, and published two e-books. One related to her specialty, Emotional Intelligence and the second about Personal Re-Engineering.
She has also been fortunate enough to be invited to countless radio shows, TV networks, Newspaper & Magazine publishers, as a mental health expert with the purpose of providing emotional support and psychological assistance to the community.
On her free time she is a creatively oriented passionate traveler and professional body painter, check out https://akinbp.com for more on her art.
B.S. in Clinical Psychology
Graduate in Educational Psychology
Master’s in Educational Psychology, MX
I'm always looking for new and exciting ways to help. Let's connect.